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I believe that positivity and productivity go hand in hand. As I've gotten older, I've come to realize the true importance of attitude. Even on those days where you feel like nothing is going your way, the one thing you will always have control over is the way you react. For the past year, I have decided to wake up each day and choose to be positive. Let me be clear that this is a choice that only you can make. When you make the decision to be positive, it not only effects your personal productivity, but every single person you come in contact with throughout the day. I cannot stress enough how much choosing to have a positive attitude has influenced my productivity. It will keep you more energized, reduce time wasted, allow you to solve problems instead of creating them and will even make others more willing to help you.

The way I look at it is like this- You were given one life, ONE. Don't you want to look back with no regrets because you chose to make the most out of the most beautiful gift you will ever be given? Choosing to be positive has truly changed my life and I believe it will change yours as well. Scroll down for a few ways that I have personally found help me stay positive and more productive throughout the day!

top | jeans | earrings | sunglasses | sandals

Photos by Katy Amezcua

10 Ways to Stay Positive + Be More Productive

1. Write down your daily goals + make a list: I recommend keeping a notepad or journal on your bedside table. The first thing I do when I wake up each morning is write down my goals for the day and make a to-do list. I throw this in my purse and add to it throughout the day. I've found that it's easiest to remember things when they are written down. So much already goes on inside of our heads and it's so easy to forget daily tasks with the many distractions each day brings.

2. Get up and get ready: One of my favorite quotes has to be "get up, dress up, show up". Trust me, I am not a morning person and living by this has been extremely challenging for me most days. I have found that the days I actually do my hair, makeup and look generally presentable- Are almost always my best and most productive days.

3. Be grateful: Each morning I try to take time and remember a few things that I'm grateful for. It's so easy to get caught up in what you don't have and forget all the things you do have. I try to always count my blessings early and read a page of my devotional.

4. Listen to music or a podcast: On the way to work I either turn on my favorite playlist or an self improvement podcast. (Would you guys be interested in a post about my favorite podcasts? Comment on this post and let me know)!! I've found that these things really set the tone of the rest of the day and help get you pumped up!

5. Keep your space clean: Lately I've found that keeping my space clean really increases my happiness and productivity levels. There's nothing better than coming home from work to a clean house and getting into a freshly made bed at the end of a long day. Clean space, clean mind!

6. Eat healthy: It's so strange how much better you feel when you eat right. It's actually the craziest thing but I can tell a huge difference on the days I eat well opposed to the days I over indulge (because dang I have the biggest sweet tooth)!! Give healthy eating a try and feel the difference!

7. Smile: Simply start your day off with a smile. This can truly set the tone for the rest of your day. When you pass by others smile and say hello because they may need this more than you know. Smiling not only makes me look happier on the outside but also feel happier on the inside!

5. Go outside: I'm talking to you all my working ladies! A large majority of my day involves me sitting at a desk, inside of an office, with absolutely no natural light. Something I've found really boosts my mood is simply stepping outside, even if just for a few minutes. Getting your daily dose of good ole vitamin D is never a bad thing!

6. Make someone's day: Go out of your way to share a genuine compliment or help someone out in some way at least once every day. It's easy to be ever consumed in yourself, I totally get it! But since I've started making an effort to do this, I have seen my happiness level increase. Life isn't all about you, it's about relationships and interaction. You really never know how much a simple gesture could mean to someone.

7. Workout: I can honestly say that I used to hate working out. Now that I work full time, I absolutely LOVE it! My favorite part about working out is being able to put away my phone and clear my head. Working out is scientifically proven to help your mood and increase your energy levels, which will make your day so much more productive. Plus you will generally feel so much better, trust me! I know it's tough to get yourself to do it, but once you're done you will be SO glad you did!!

8. Don't overthink things or dwell on the negative: It's easy to let negative thoughts cloud your mind. I've found that this can be a huge distraction- Thinking negatively or dwelling on a situation is simply a waste of time. It slows down your productivity levels and decreases your happiness. My best advice is always keep moving forward! Spend ten minutes a day max venting to a designated person. After those ten minutes, make an effort to be positive the rest of the day!

9. Learn to take criticism: Criticism is inevitable and is something everyone has to learn how to deal with. Simply listen to what the person has to say and use it constructively- But don't dwell on it. Everyone has their own opinion, but you are the one who knows your worth. Ask yourself, is what this person said really worth my personal time and happiness?

10. Turn off the phone: Sometimes it's good to put your phone down during the day. In today's world it's easy to compare yourselves to others online. If you find this is consuming your time and decreasing your happiness then it's probably time to turn the phone off for a bit. Focus on bettering your own life instead of obsessing over someone else's.