Carlyle Thornton Blog

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  1. Keep a schedule: Create a consistent daily routine and stick to it! I’ve found that routine is key and really helps me maximize my day with minimal wasted time.

  2. Take breaks: When you’re having trouble focusing or starting to feel stir-crazy, take a quick break and then get back right back to it feeling even more refreshed. Eat a snack or get some fresh air!

  3. Work from a desk or table: Creating a work environment that you love and having a space to spread out, where you can be as efficient as possible is so helpful!

  4. Play calming music or turn the TV on low in the background: I’m not sure why but having background noise always helps me stay focused on my work and get more done.

  5. Get dressed and put on makeup: You’ll feel more professional, confident, take yourself more seriously, and honestly work harder.. Look good, feel good, do good- Believe it.

  6. Make up your bed: If anything, this will prevent you from crawling back in it mid-day.. ha!

  7. Call a friend if lonely: Sometimes working by yourself can be isolating. If you’re feeling lonely, call a friend and chat for a little bit. Everyone needs a daily dose of human interaction.

  8. Make a to-do list: Writing down everything that I need to check off my list at the start of each day always helps keep me on task and prevents me from forgetting things as the day progresses.

  9. Have a strong morning routine: Start your day with a cup of coffee, a healthy breakfast and a quick workout if possible. Starting the day off on the right foot is key to productivity! Also, try to get the work you dread the most finished in the morning. I start dragging my feet towards the end of the day and always have the most energy + motivation in the mornings.

  10. Make your home work environment bright: Having a well lit space will keep you alert and energized throughout the day! I set up my work space next to a large window with a lot of natural light and it makes all the difference. I used to work in an office with no natural light and it was the worst… felt like I was in prison.